Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vision Festival 17

The 17th Arts for Art Vision Festival kicked off this week, sadly without me in attendance. Lucky for us, they are streaming the entire festival at The Vision Festival channel can be found here. Yesterday's line-up was particularly impressive, and I stayed up late last night and caught the last part of the Farmers By Nature (Gerald Cleaver, William Parker & Craig Taborn) set, as well as the entire Darius Jones Quartet set. The latter played material solely from his latest album, Book of Mæ'Bul (Another Kind of Sunrise), but both sets were strong.

William Parker's In Order to Survive (Parker plus Cooper-Moore, Rob Brown, Roy Lewis Barnes and Hamid Drake), one of the best jazz ensembles of the past 15 or so years, were up next, but I fell asleep (they were due on stage around 4 or 5 AM over here). Lucky for us, yet again, they have put up the recorded shows on Ustream as well. You can watch the In Order to Survive set here, or on the embedded video below.

EDIT: the recorded video of In Order to Survive seems to have been removed. Live streaming from the festival should continue throughout the festival, though. Just click on the channel link above.

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