Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I was wrong & putting 2006 to rest

I was wrong: much as I love the intriguing and flexible interplay of his trio on Zero Degree Music, Adam Lane's New Magical Kingdom with his Full Throttle Orchestra is better. I've mentioned Mingus and rock, but I also hear David Murray's Ming in the mini-big band's monstrous riffs, and even some traces of Ellington ca. the underrated Afro-Eurasian Eclipse.

Don't know how much more I will add to and edit the 2006-lists. Sure, if for some reason I missed a top 10 record I might, but I don't think I'll bother with lower entries.

Best live shows of 2006? Off the top of my head: The Wrens at Øya, Girl Talk at the Mercury Lounge, the Thermals at Rockefeller. I may have forgotten some.

Best night out: The eve before Halloween at the Annex. Marie Antoinette was there, I swear.

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